Ceton Infinitv4 CableCard self install with WOW (Wide Open West) Cable

I wanted to pass along some wisdom I gathered the hard way through multiple calls to WOW to get my new Ceton Infinitv4 paired and activated. Self installs of cable cards are not publicized, but the are available (at least in my area). I was able to walk into my local WOW retail office and ask for a M-Card cable card. I was given the M-Card along with a sheet of paper with general CableCard information and a phone number to call for activation. My initial call to activate was not bad from a wait time perspective, I was only on the phone 5minutes when I was connected to a technician. When the technician tells you they’ve “sent the signal”, ask them to verify the Host ID as well as the Cable Card ID. Some technicians mistake the Host ID as your Cable Card ID. The Host ID is unique to your cable card device. With the Ceton Infinitv, the Host ID can be obtained by opening the Ceton InfiniTV Diagnostic Tool, and clicking on the CableCard tab. This tab will show us what state our CableCard and device pairing are in. I unfortunately required two calls before I asked the technician to verify the Host ID, hopefully this will save someone some of the frustration I endured while attempting to setup my new uber-tuner. If you haven’t made the plunge yet, there are deals running through the summer on the quad tuner, check out the deal below from Amazon. Happy Tuning!

3 thoughts on “Ceton Infinitv4 CableCard self install with WOW (Wide Open West) Cable”

    1. I got mine installed last night, for some reason, I am not getting HD channels like TNT, TBS, DISCOVER… Etc. WOW said they sent he signal, but in the discovery tool the card says it is not authorized. I am going to go grab a new cable card today to see if that is a problem. Question for you. Does your computer not find the infinitv when you power down the system and remove the cable card? When it boots up, it cant find it and I have to re-install drivers. Sorry for this long post.

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