Using Swype Beta on Rooted Kindle Fire


  1. Your kindle must be rooted. I used Kindle Fire Utility from XDA.
  2. You must have a file manager capable of mounting /system writable. I use E. S. File Explorer.
  1. Fom your Kindle Fire download the Swype beta from here.
  2. Run Swype intstallation package.
  3. Enter your beta credentials.
  4. When the installation asks to “Enable Swype”, Press Home button.
  5. Open ES File Explorer. Select Menu->Settings. Under Path settings, select Up to Root. Under Root Settings select Mount File System. Back out of settings.
  6. Select Up to go up to the root / level. Navigate to data/app. Cut 
  7. Navigate to /system/app/, paste
  8. Navigate to /data/data/ Cut 

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